Basic Setup

This section covers the very basic features of the application. The goal of this section is to give you the minimum required knowledge to use this application. For a complete configuration, please continue reading to the Features Walkthrough chapter once you're done with this one.

Highway Radar has many options to configure. These options allow creating perfect configurations matching your location, driving style, and personal preferences.

To work correctly, Highway Radar needs some permissions which can be granted from the start screen.

  • Location permission is the core permission of the application, as the application shows what is happening around you. Highway Radar never accesses your location when it isn't running (has a persistent notification in the notification bar).
  • Microphone permission is needed for voice control and bug reporting. If you disable both of these features, permission won't be needed.
  • Accessibility service is only used when a "startup action" is configured (e.g., launching split-screen with a navigational app when started).

The most critical features of Highway Radar are based on alerts. Here are the types of alerts that are supported.

  • Crowdsourced reports (police and hazards)
  • Enforcement aircraft alerts
  • Enforcement cameras alerts
  • Alert received from a radar detector over Bluetooth (not covered in the "Basic Setup" section)

Highway Radar can be in two primary states: running and not running. Whenever it is running, it actively fetches alerts, warns about potential hazards, and performs its other duties. Once the application starts, it continues running even from the background. To stop the application, use the "Stop" button in the lower right corner of its primary screen.